8 Tips And Tricks To Speed ​​Up Your Blog Loading Time

8 Tips And Tricks To Speed ​​Up Your Blog Loading Time

In addition to understand readers, have a slow blog will affect your blog ranking in search engines.
This you need to consider, in blogging activities you need to have a site that does not take time for the reader.
In this article I will give you tips and tricks to speed up your website today.

1. Do not Use Templates Free / Origin

At this point, you need to balance to use a really good template, if necessary, you should use a premium version at the right source.

For blogger users free templates are very much outstanding, but you need to consider using a free template from sources that are not clear is a fatal kesalan.
Typically, free Template templates have a bad code structure, this is affecting your site.

2. Do not Overload Ads

Do you think, putting a lot of ads on your site is a good thing? some bloggers think of putting lots of ads, for example Google AdSense on their sites to supplement income, this is a fatal mistake they do.

Readers of your blog will run away with many pop up ads on your site, so just use a little, in addition to affecting the speed of loading your blog, this also does not interfere with your blog readers.

3. Remove Unnecessary Widgets

Excessive use of Widgets on your blog is very influential on loading the blog.

The next worst thing is, you add a lot of plugins on your site, the options you choose, you need to delete the unimportant objects and use the important items only.

In the last article I have discussed, the best widgets for your website , in addition to mandatory use, this can also increase your website traffic.

4. Do not Too Many Posts on Home Page

If you want to have a quick site, limit the number of posts you have on home page 5 or a maximum of 10.

For some cases, there is a blog theme that does not have auto readmore, it means that your post will open entirely, make sure to use the right theme.

5. Post Image Optimization

Images are the attraction for the reader, but the image can memnggagu loading time of your blog. Make sure before posting, it's good you optimize your picture terlsebut.

You have to remember, make sure the high and wide compositions fit on your blog, not to exceed.

Alternatively, you can also use the online image compress tool available on the internet to reduce the pixel capacity of your post image.

Untugnya, in the previous article I have created an article tips to optimize your image posting for more SEO.

6. Blog Optimization with Google PageSpeed

Google PageSeed is a free online tool to optimize your site.

This will provide any useful data that you need to optimize for the speed of loading your blog better.

All you have to do is go there and enter your blog URL and see the result, if your site score below 70% then you are in big trouble.

7. Compress Templates

You can easily mengcomres your template online.

Use it, htmlcompressor to compress your blog tempalte.

What you need to do. Go to your Blog dasboard , Settings - Edit HTML - and Copas all your template code then paste it on the site.

Make sure you have downloaded your template before, to anticipate errors.

8. Ask for Expert Suggestions

There are so many guides on the internet to speed up loading your blog, sometimes they use some code in the tutorial, the fatal mistake is you enter the code where you do not know it.

It's good that you comment and ask personally to their contact page.

Alternatively, you can ask some related forums.

Well, maybe it's a few things you need to lazukan so that the loading time of your blog faster, I know this is just petrified a little, but I hope you do the above tips and tricks senses.

Hopefully you enjoy this article, if you feel something is not clear you can ask in the comments field.

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  1. 100 milliseconds. For so long, the occipital lobe in our brain stores visual information as sensory memory.

    Google researchers suggest that page load times of less than 100 milliseconds give visitors the illusion of an immediate website response because the visual sensory storage processor in our brain operates in bursts of 100 milliseconds. The reminder memory clears itself after 0.1 seconds because the photoreceptor cells in the eyes transmit more information about the occipital lobe.

    Acceptable website performance

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