What is the Difference White hat and Black hat SEO

White hat and Black hat SEO
What is the Difference White hat and Black hat SEO? Both are equally able to get ranked results in search engines, but one of them may one day get a penalty from the Google search engine. Although Black Hat Techniques can generate instant satisfaction in terms of ranking in search engines, if you are penalized or penalized by Google then you will be back from scratch again. Indeed SEO will not always be the same every year, SEO will always change, although SEO is constantly changing by knowing the difference between White hat and Black hat SEO at least this can make you avoid Google penalty.

What is White hat SEO?

White hat SEO is an SEO technique that follows the advice and also the rules that have been set by Google, although when we practice it will not always be 100% will follow the rules set by Google. Because to follow the rules of Google 100% in my opinion very-very difficult. Usually the actors of White hat SEO do website optimization in ways that are very natural, it will take time but by doing this they hope to achieve the goal with maximum results and slightly violate SEO. trust me White hat SEO takes time and patience high level.

Can I say also White hat SEO is a technique designed to bring in organic search traffic using high-quality content, it includes tactics like:
Securing the quality of inbound links. Backlinks should be placed on relevant websites, and it's like someone who does a "vote" for your site.
Creating original content, creating subscription form. Connect with social media and campaigns by using email to bring in visitors and content readers on your website.
Use of keywords and keyword analysis is good.
Organize all your website URLs. You want to help search engine bots to easily explore the entire page of your website is not it? ( make it easy for search engines bots crawl your website ) therefore a clear organization or website architecture is very important. Search engines like Google and others are also paying attention to header information, and titles so be sure to put your most important keywords in the tags and headers section is very important.

The good news Google also provides guidance SEO techniques that you can use and apply here and Bing also provides some guidelines as well.
Then What is Black hat SEO?

Black hat SEO is a technique designed to improve the ranking of a website in Google search engine and also other search engines with Techniques deliberately designed to manipulate search engines to easily find your website in a very fast time, so get the most results. Techniques like this is very dangerous, because it can make your website subject to punishment or sanctions and in certain cases usually deindeks altogether.

Short-term techniques like this are commonly used on sites with a quick business model back in capital, for example like a retail site, subscription site etc. Black hat techniques typically include tactics such as:
Using Spam, duplicate content or content "scraped"
but not necessarily all using software that is completely automated yes. build thousands of low quality backlinks using automated software to generate backlinks as much as possible in a fast time, for example 1-7 days.
Dropping their competitors (take down a competitor) by doing bad and evil actions such as reporting them as spam, making spam backlinks to their competitor sites in Black hat ways.
Use website hack to create content or place a link to your website without the owner's knowledge. ( This technique is very lively recently done )

Actually a lot of understanding and application of Black hat and White hat SEO, but in general we can draw the conclusion that Black hat and White hat is dependent on the owner of the website and also the perpetrator of the SEO itself, most people who play SEO do two it's Black hat and White hat ( Greyhat SEO ) to rank on Google search engine. This technique ( currently ) can indeed generate maximum benefits and also faster.

Now that you've read the article we've written you already understand What is the Difference White hat and Blac khat SEO, Which technique would you choose and use for your website and mention alasaanya? Please comment on the comments column that we have provided.

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